What was the deal with Mike Wheeler in 'Stranger Things 2'?


In the grand tradition of sequels everywhere, Stranger Things 2 had more of everything – more demogorgons, more Will, more Steve being a good guy, more Hopper being Hotper (I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I knew as soon as I said it). 

The one exception? Mike Wheeler.

In Season 1, Mike wasn't just part of the gang – he was the guy, around whom much of the action revolved. He was the dungeon master and ringleader; he was Eleven's closest friend and ally; he was brother of Nancy, another key character. 

This season, though, Mike takes a significant step back. He's still there, but his position in the story is much less prominent. He doesn't even really get a plotline to call his own. He's a supporting player in Will's storyline and a distant motivating force in Eleven's. Read more...

More about Tv, Netflix, Stranger Things, Finn Wolfhard, and Stranger Things Cast

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