If you know just one Stranger Things fan, then you won't be surprised to hear that thousands of them crashed a scienc…
Enough is enough. SEE ALSO: The 'Stranger Things' cast has some strong feelings about the Season 2 ending Despite…
Damn, Dustin can sing. SEE ALSO: The 'Stranger Things' cast has some strong feelings about the Season 2 ending Tho…
Stephen King is the most iconic name in horror. Do I even need to list his novels? The Shining , It , Misery , Cujo , and…
If you've watched Stranger Things 2 , you'll know what happens if you feed a wee baby Demogorgon. And while Dustin…
Looks like the non-profit Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul is going to have a bit more cash for upcoming exhibits. …
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Stranger Things MVP Jim Hopper is many things — Police chief, chain-smoker, Jim Croce enthusiast, goofy dancer , dad/daddy…
Guillermo del Toro discusses the future of his Fantastic Voyage adaptation. Legends of Tomorrow casts a Fringe star. Ben…
While Stranger Things became a pop culture phenomenon that seemingly came out of nowhere, or maybe the Upside Down, it st…
Spoiler warning: This post contains plot details for Stranger Things 2 . Stranger Things is built on mysteries, but ther…
We’ve all been there before, we get mad at a sibling and we think to ourselves, "if I had powers I would do something…
This is a story about a dwarf barbarian with a beard to die for. Literally, he’s killed people over it. His name is Thorbj…
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