How Blogging Can Make You Marketable on LinkedIn

When you are looking for ways to boost yourself professionally online, you can do so with a combination of running your own blog and creating and completing a LinkedIn profile of your own. LinkedIn is a professional network online that allows you to easily connect with potential associated businesses and partners and even your own current colleagues. When you combine blogging and LinkedIn, you will become more marketable and appealing to potential investors, employers and even business partners.

Creating an Identity

Creating a LinkedIn profile and a blog allows you to develop an identity of your own online. Having a professional identity is a way for you to set yourself apart from potential competitors who are looking for the same job as you or who are interested in becoming successful in the same niche as you. When you have your own professional identity online, it is much easier to become recognized as a reliable source or individual in the market you represent.

Sharing Your Voice

When you have a blog of your own, updating it consistently and sharing your voice will allow you to connect with an audience while growing a network of online followers and potential clients or customers. The more you blog and update your LinkedIn profile, the more relevant you will appear to potential employers and those in business looking to work together.

You can also share your updates within the LinkedIn platform itself, helping to spread the awareness of your blog and all of the content you have to offer.

Search Engines

Using a blog is a great way to get your name within search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing. When you use your blog to promote specific keywords and to boost your name within search engines, you will gain credibility and become more marketable professionally whether you are seeking new business ventures or employment opportunities. Because most employees will conduct an online search of your name before you are hired, it is important to consider your image within your blog and on your LinkedIn profile.

Increase Your Net Worth and Value | Can you get paid on LinkedIn?

If you operate a successful blog, you will have the ability to generate an income and a new revenue stream from potential advertisers, even by selling your own products or services. The more you blog and promote your work within LinkedIn, the more potential investors or sponsorship deals you will be offered.

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