Social Media – A Powerful Marketing Weapon

The world has logged in and for any business to thrive in a cut throat digital world, it needs to show a very prominent online presence.

Social media and its many benefits for your business:

Several websites have software which studies the preferences of their users and suggest services/ products which are likely to grab the user’s attention. Such a customized and targeted audience platform is difficult to find in an ordinary and conventional billboard or newspaper marketing.

Brand recognition is one of the key steps to ensure the business stays alive. An impressive online presence has multiple fold effects on this aspect of a business. One share can reach more than a thousand people. The effort is minimal whereas the effect is immense.

social media marketing

Social media platforms offer several tools which if used wisely will help to build a loyal fan base. What is out of sight is out of mind; so staying within the fringe of the attention of customers is essential to retain them. At the same time, the company acquires new customers by a snow-balling effect that happens when a user sees a brand on his news feed and then shares it, thus enabling the brand reach newer users and create an even larger, loyal fan base.

The brand becomes ‘humanized’, so users can interact with the brand as if it was a person. As the grievance resolving capacity becomes easier and accolades to the company increase, the users begin to associate with a brand like they would, with a friend, thus improving trust and credibility.

Which social media platform to choose?

The first and foremost step to deciding where to channelize the efforts of online presence is to know your brand and your customers.

Customers: If they are more likely to be on Instagram, tweeting about your product may not garner a very significant response. Know the demographic that your brand caters to and target those platforms first, and then diverge into the others. Facebook has seen a rise in the age group of 65 and above in the last two years whereas Snapchat still captures the 18-24 age group.

You: A family run business could focus more on the personal touch whereas a super brand could focus on the variety of global locales they are available on- know what makes you special.

Once you’re on it, what do you say?

Once you’ve chosen your preferred platform, choose how you’ll share your content. There are several formats to choose from- videos, photographs, GIFs, witty Twitter wars… the list is endless.

– Start early and create a receptive environment for your product/ service prior to its launch. Create anticipation.

– Share information that adds value. Think of whether the content you share will make a difference to the consumer or if it would just get lost in the sea of data that’s present on the internet.

– Share content by others as well, no one wants to go to a page that only talks about itself. Create an environment where the reader actually grasps your advertisement instead of skimming through it.

– Keep it simple. Most of the users go online to relax and pass time, giving them complicated things won’t help you gain their attention.

– Reuse and Recycle your already created content on different social media sites.

– Analyze. Notice which posts and what kind of content is getting you the maximum traffic and let that guide you.

– Be productive and efficient. Lathering post after post will not guarantee the desired effect, instead focus on quality over quantity.

Everyone is online- social media has made the internet a perfect breeding ground for the meeting between a seller and prospective buyers- and the time to invest in online presence marketing for your business is this!

Author Bio:- Sunny Popali is an everyday learner and editor working at Good Monster an SEO agency in Syracuse. He is passionate about helping online businesses to achieve their goals with cost-effective SEO & Digital Marketing services. He believes that you should keep conversion rates in mind.

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