Best Social Media Tips You Will Read This Year

There are many social media websites tailored for your different needs. Thanks to these, you can be creative with expression and even use this to promote your business or website. Whether you want Facebook marketing tips, useful points on Twitter page management and ways to get real YouTube views, your needs are covered.


Facebook is one of the world’s favorite social media website, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it is used for marketing strategies. Here are some Facebook marketing tips to help you through it.

Firstly, establish your page. If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t have a Facebook account, it is best to create one now! After that, create a page for your website or business. Provide an informative but creative introduction. Upload an attractive profile picture and cover photo. Also, Facebook likes are everything. To the best of your ability, gather them. It is how you will be able to primarily increase traffic in your page. This is practically the most basic out of all Facebook marketing tips.

Now that you have set up a Facebook page, keep it active and update frequently. You don’t want something else dominating their news feeds. You have this option for free advertising – take advantage of it! Keep posting to your heart’s content. Have Facebook users flock to your page by posting interesting content which may not necessarily be related to your business, but which may be useful or attractive to them. Make sure they always learn something new when they drop by your page, but do not waste this opportunity to tell them about your business or website. Also, lessen text and use more images and videos.Your post may be the next viral thing online. You may opt to link them to a page on your website for more information.

Be interactive. Let them know that their presence and contribution are well-appreciated. Have discount offers available especially for Facebook users, and hold contests in your page which will help boost likes by requiring it from them. Interact with them – answer their questions, comment back or have polls or surveys. It will not only increase traffic, but this will help you be informed as to how you can improve your services. Make your online presence felt by using other features, such as events and reviews. Be sure to make the features on your Facebook page noticeable.

Don’t be afraid to invest in paid advertising or sponsored stories. Some posts will not be able to reach their news feeds because they prefer more interesting stories, or they just do not visit your page as often. Sponsored stories are one way your post can be leveled up in the news feed. Paid advertising can also provide you with more exposure. There are also options available to promote your page so other users can have access to it, as well as options to promote your site, so the external links you provided may also be seen.

Use your Facebook page to link to other social media platforms and your website.You can take advantage of this to boost traffic to your other pages and give people more information about your website and business.


Being present in different social media platforms is an effective marketing strategy. Twitter is also one of the favorites, especially among the younger crowd. How does one manage to say everything in 140 characters?

As previously mentioned, do not underestimate the power of links. You can use other social media platforms to link to your Twitter account to cater to those who use Twitter, and you can use Twitter to link to posts on other social media accounts or even your website. This can be a bit more challenging for Twitter page management because you are limited to 140 characters, but there are free online services such as which let you shorten your links and allow you more space for other content.

Tweet constantly. As with all other social media platforms, have a consistent presence. This also proves to be a bit more of a challenge because the features can be more limited, but this is your chance to lure followers with funny anecdotes or entertaining links. People are more likely to update their accounts about what’s going on, so do that with yours, too. As an example, you can provide them a live feed of your events in an entertaining way. Just make sure not to flood the feed of your followers and make them unfollow you because you’re the only thing they see when they scroll along.

Maximize Twitter features. You may have only 140 characters when it comes to text, but you can now add images or videos with them. Just make sure to use high quality ones with as little file size as possible to accommodate as much followers as you can. Use your profile to your advantage. Have a cover photo which is pleasing to look at and informs them about essential things about your business. Use a credible but friendly profile photo. Put as much info as possible in your profile, such as an engaging but informative bio, your true location and link to your website.

Communicate with your followers always. Twitter has made the reply button accessible for you. You can also acknowledge their tweets about you by retweeting them. This makes your audience feel active in the process and makes them feel heard when it comes to their concerns. Favoriting their tweets will also inform them of your activity. For more private matters, you can always opt to message them. Always search for those who mentioned you and reply to them. Answer their questions and address their concerns on Twitter. As stated previously, you can also hold contests exclusively for Twitter users for successful Twitter page management.

Be aware of and use hash tags. This is how we determine trending topics. Use hashtags, especially ones which you can relate to your business or website. This is how people may access you or just stumble upon your Twitter page and boost your followers. Even though they are not related to your business, you can always use them in an entertaining and clever way to encourage people to visit your page.


Youtube is a prominent site in the social media world. It is so prominent; it has jump started the career of some of the most highly paid celebrities in the world. That being said, getting real YouTube views is an essential marketing strategy businesses have been employing.

Thanks to YouTube, your limits to creativity are no longer limited. This is very much like advertising on TV, except you can do it for free. Your videos can be tailored in such a way that fits your business, but it can also be entertaining for a wide variety of audiences, so you can attract viewers of different age groups, even those who are not in your target market. If you are lucky, you can even produce a viral video. You can use your videos to inform them more about your products and services.You can make imparting information more fun and easier. This definitely cuts your costs and boosts exposure and website views, especially if you use it to link to your website.

Youtube is also community, so it is important to keep in contact with your subscribers. Hear out what they want to see on your channel. Don’t just pay attention to what you want to show them. Respond to their comments on your videos and use it to answer their questions about your products or services. Some comments are more promoted because of their likes, which means other viewers may have the same concern. This will enable you to reach out to your viewers more easily.

Open your options to them. They may not be YouTube experts, so for you to get real YouTube views, you can tell them what they can do to stay in contact with you and be updated with your videos. You can promote links to your other videos at the end of a video, remind them to subscribe, or like your video.

As with other social media platforms, use it to link to other websites or profiles. YouTube has a customizable description box below the video which you can use to provide more information and external links. You may also opt to use annotations on your video itself to link to other websites. That way, you may use your video to promote your other social media pages.

Now, you don’t have to limit your creativity, you are able to access your target market or audience more easily, and you can even have these three social media pages connected, along with your website. Following these tips will not only make you and your services more accessible to them, it will make them more accessible to you. Your website or business will surely experience a boost with the help of these social media tips.

Author: Sheena Mathieson, understands the essence of making excellent content that suits the needs of every business especially when it comes online marketing. She can spice up your marketing campaign with the content she makes and then incorporate Buy Real Marketing services.

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