Entire cast of 'Thor' puts on a budget live play for unsuspecting moviegoers


Just for laughs, James Corden stuck the entire star-studded cast of Thor in a cardboard budget, school play version of the hit movie.

The Late Late Show host sprung the surprise on a bunch of (very lucky) unsuspecting moviegoers, interrupting the movie minutes into the beginning. Corden then brought out each member of the cast in their movie roles, starting with Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, before introducing Cate Blanchett, Jeff Goldblum, and Mark Ruffalo to the stunned audience.

While it's incredible to see the Hollywood stars in the very budget version of their movie, it's even more amazing that they didn't seem to crack up while acting the whole thing out. Read more...

More about Marvel, Jeff Goldblum, Mark Ruffalo, Cate Blanchett, and James Corden

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