Showing posts with the label MarvelShow all
Elevator technician reveals the truth about elevator scenes in movies
Thor: Ragnarok's Valkyrie Shows How Far We've Got to Go for LGBTQ
Representation on the Big Screen
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ set a box office record for Marvel - it made that much
Brian Michael Bendis Leaves Marvel, Signs Exclusive Deal With DC Comics
An Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four reunion is all we want from a
Disney/Fox deal
'Thor: Ragnarok' made a surprising choice with some beloved characters
Entire cast of 'Thor' puts on a budget live play for unsuspecting
Explore the Entire Film and TV History of the Mighty Thor With This
Telltale’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ first season ends next week
Marvel Apocalypses, Ranked
Netflix film 'Tau' will feature an evil smart house
Hulu's 'Runaways' is bringing a big change to the Marvel Cinematic
ThinkGeek and Marvel are showing off some sweet street wear to stylize
your inner nerd
A scientific deep dive into the Marvel movies' most hilarious trope:
the shirtless scene
It's Back! Thousands of Marvel Digital Comics Are Incredibly Cheap on
Amazon Right Now.
So What the Hell Is Ragnarok, Anyway?
Chris Hemsworth's 'Thor' workout will put yours to shame
A ranking of all the Marvel movies, from worst to best