The evolution of Chris Hemsworth, comedy star


There are lots of reasons Thor: Ragnarok works as well as it does: a ridiculously talented director, an deep bench of charismatic supporting stars, an eye-popping array of costumes and sets, a killer synth-heavy score, a franchise-making machine well-honed after nine years and 17 films.

The biggest reason, though, may be that Thor: Ragnarok finally figures out what we probably should've known all along: Chris Hemsworth is a comedy star.

Think back to the first Thor. It was fun but uneven, an awkward mix of Shakespearean drama and fish-out-of-water comedy. But the latter worked far better than the former. The film was at its best when it just sat back and watched Hemsworth's Thor discover all that Midgard had to offer: traffic laws, pet stores, low-rise jeans, and, most memorably, coffee.  Read more...

More about Movies, Vacation, Ghostbusters, Chris Hemsworth, and Thor

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