Parents save more for their sons' college educations than their daughters'


Women earn less than men. They invest less than men. They end up in college majors that lead to jobs with lower salaries

And it all starts with their parents' college funds. 

Two studies recently found that parents save less for their daughters' college educations than they do for their sons'. As highlighted in a Wall Street Journal story, a study by T. Rowe Price examined families who had all boys and families who had all girls. 

The families who only had boys saved more for college than the families who only had girls. Fifty percent of households with boys saved money for college, compared to only 39 percent of households with girls. And 83 percent of families with boys contributed to college savings monthly, while only 70 percent of families with girls did. This all stood up no matter how many children the families had.  Read more...

More about Saving Money, Gender Pay Gap, College Tuition, Student Debt, and Business

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