Maybe don't brag about violating your roommate's stuff on Instagram


If you're rubbing used tampons onto your college roommate's backpack, contaminating her eating utensils, spitting into and poisoning her lotions, and abusing her toothbrush, you're a terrible person, but also, don't post about it on social media.

Brianna Brochu, 18, was charged Wednesday with "criminal mischief" for allegedly doing all of the above and more to her unsuspecting roommate at the University of Hartford in Connecticut—which was discovered because she bragged about it on Instagram. 

Chenel Rowe, who goes by Jazzy on social media, posted and livestreamed a video this week detailing the terror she endured as Brochu's roommate since the end of August. Before knowing about the poisoning and tampering, Rowe had already made arrangements to move out. She had been having throat pain and other ailments since moving into her dorm. While she was moving out, she discovered the Instagram post and other evidence that her belongings had been contaminated.  Read more...

More about Instagram, Crime, College, Abuse, and Bullying

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