Kevin Spacey is now accused of groping Richard Dreyfuss' son


Harry Dreyfuss, the son of Academy Award-winning actor Richard Dreyfuss, has come forward with new allegations of sexual misconduct against Kevin Spacey. He claims that Spacey groped him in 2008, at age 18, while his father, unaware, was in the room with them.

"I ... see how important it is to add my voice to the people who are demanding a better world. A world in which powerful men are no longer allowed to feel safe to do this, or far worse," the younger Dreyfuss wrote in a guest post for Buzzfeed.

"I don't know how long we sat there like that. It could have been as little as 20 seconds, or it could have been five minutes. It’s the hardest part of the story for me to recall. What I do remember is that, other than being a shy kid who obviously admired Kevin Spacey a lot, I never once gave him a signal that I would want to be with him in that way." Read more...

More about Entertainment, Kevin Spacey, Richard Dreyfuss, Sexual Misconduct, and Harry Dreyfuss

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