1 Smart Tip for Becoming an Influential Blogger

Following one smart tip can help you become an influential blogger.

When you become an influencer you can help more people on a greater scale and earn more blogging income as you render useful service.

But before reaping those sugary sweet benefits you want to focus on one word.


Make that your buzzword.

Many bloggers crave nailing down the influencer label. Giving generously helps. As does networking with blogging big dawgs.

But the difference maker resides in branding. Brands become memorable. Bloggers who build brands before blogs because super memorable.

Making a conscious effort to build a brand then a blog takes some mental gymnastics at times but it’s well worth the effort to brand yourself effectively because readers will remember your brand if you do it right.

Watch the video from a luxury apartment in New York City as I discuss.

Why Branding Helps You Become an Influential Blogger

Imagine visiting a ho hum, drab, plain Jane blog.

Even if the blogger gives generously of their time and talent you are not likely to recall said blogger after a few hours, let alone after a few days.

But if you come across a branded, eye-catching, clear, concise blog whose brand bleeds through the essence of the site you will remember the blogger. If you recall the blogger and dig their blog posts you will share the blogger’s content, products and services with your following. This expands the blogger’s presence and also expands their brand awareness.

As more folks share the blogger’s content they position themselves to become influential because influencers are merely bloggers who generously help a high number of people on a broad scale.

Influential Blogging and Branding

If someone helps you generously you may recall the blogger.

If a blogger with a clearly defined, eye-catching brand helps you generously you will recall the blogger. Memorable bloggers become influencers because their followers spread their message far and wide, shouting them out, endorsing them and promoting them freely. As you begin popping up on the radar of influential bloggers and contributors from world renowned sites, these established pros will expand your presence even more quickly.

Branding forms the core of any successful influencer blogging campaign because branding drills home your simple, clear message. Readers know exactly what you do and how you benefit them through your brand message. This message becomes more memorable through repetition, and as your brand advocates aka readers spread your word, more readers are influenced by your brand message.

Influencing happens quite passively if you convey a clear brand message and generously help people. Your tribe will shout you out freely, amplifying your message and spreading your influence exponentially.

Before your readers clearly see and spread your brand message you need to get clear on your message. This requires you to build a brand first, then to build a blog, social media sites, a YouTube channel and podcast that aligns fully with your brand.

Branding then Blogging

Most bloggers never gain influencer status because they obsess over blogging and never do any branding, believing only billion dollar corporations need to focus on branding.

Not so.

Individual bloggers benefit greatly from branding because engineering a clear brand makes you memorable. It is easy to stand out in a crowded blogging niche if you build a brand first, speaking a consistent, persistent message through all social channels. Your blog will scream your brand message, as will your social media accounts. Meanwhile, intrigued readers will remember you and your brand because all of your online real estate conveys the same brand message.

Your Turn

Did you build a brand before you built a blog?

Are you struggling to become an influential blogger?

What tips can you share for becoming an influencer?

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