7 Evergreen Ideas To Repurpose Your Content To Reach a Wider Audience

content promotionPublishing great content on your blog is sometimes not as difficult but what is really difficult is getting a lot of people to discover and read the content.

So, if your content is not being read, it’s like dancing in the dark where nobody but you alone knows you are dancing. But with these 7 Evergreen ideas to repurpose your content to reach more audience, everything is about to change (for good).

What makes those authority blogs perform better than your blog is not only because they are writing quality articles but because they are strategizing and getting their content in front of the right size of audiences needed to give them the necessary exposure.

Now, if you’re not doing the same thing they’re doing, you shouldn’t expect to be getting the same result as them.

According to a post published by Srinivas Rao on the Search Engine Journal, For repurposed and repackaged content to work it must be polished, expanded upon, and treated as your art.

If you are not getting the right traffic, perhaps it’s high time you changed your approach. Do something you’ve not done before but which is known to work and give others the expected results.

So what are those things you should do in order to make more audience aware of your blog and content?

Here are the seven critical steps you must take.

1. Turn Your Blog Post Into a Slideshow


Take a look at any of your great content and pick out the salient points from the post and change them into a PDF or PowerPoint presentation. Upload the presentation for free to Slideshare. With it, you can reach a new channel with several readers.

One way of making the PowerPoint attract more readers is to add quality graphics and quality templates such as the Motagua – Multipurpose PowerPoint Template, which has up to 40,000+ total slides, 3000+ vector icons, 60 color themes, and lots more. The template has all it takes to make your PowerPoint presentation really colorful and enticing.

2. Create An E-course Out of Your Blog Posts

Another way to repurpose your great content to reach more audience is to assemble several quality blog posts on a particular topic and turn them into an e-course that can be delivered over a period of several days. Send it out to your mailing list as a newsletter each day for new subscribers.

This will help them to achieve whatever goal you promised to assist them achieve. For instance, it could be titled “Become a Web Programmer in 30 Days. “ Or you can title it “Learn Affiliate Marketing in 30 Days.”

Whatever name you call it, the idea is to keep educating them on your chosen topic for a specified number of days.

3. Turn Your Research Into an Infographic

According to Mass Planner, “Infographics are “liked” and shared on social media 3X more than other any other type of content.”


The conventional way of publishing research result, including surveys or other forms of research is to publish them as a blog post.

But you can do something different with your survey or research results by pulling together the most relevant results and posting them as an infographic. All you need to do is to get an infographic expert to create one for you.

Research carried out by Content Marketing Institute confirmed that “51% of B2B marketers prioritized creating visual content assets in 2016.”

Similarly, another study by Brain Rules found that:

“When people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later.”

Therefore, with these statistics, you’ll certainly agree with me that visual content like Infographic can really do a lot for your blog in terms of traffic, exposure and quality backlinks.

Interestingly, you don’t have to hire an expert to create an infographic for you, especially if you don’t have the money at the moment. You can create your infographic by using free online tools like Canva and Easel.ly. However, if you can afford to hire a professional for it, it’s totally worth it.

Once your infographic is ready, share it through various channels, including emails, approaching other webmasters to share it on their blogs, etc.

4. Turn Your Numbered Post Into Standalone Posts

You could have several numbered posts on your blogs and they are being read as a single post by your visitors. Why don’t you break those posts down by turning some of the numbers into standalone posts?

For instance, some of the posts like “Top 20 Ways of Making your Posts Go Viral” or “10 Different Ways of Writing Evergreen Contents” could be fragmented to get more numbers to create fresh posts individuals.

A top 20 list post could turn out to be 10 or more new posts that could be easily shared across new channels to bring in fresh traffic to your blog.

5. Compile Old Blog Posts And Convert Them Into An E-book

Go differently your blog and select the best posts on a particular topic and then add them together to create an all-inclusive e-book. You can upload it to eBook directories, give it out as a lead magnet, or simply sell it.

With embedded links in the eBook linking to some posts on your site, and affiliate links, it is easy to get new people to go and read the posts, and this could eventually bring you more affiliate commission too. As more and more people share the eBook with their friends, your audience (and possibly money) also grows.

6. Turn a Blog Into a Podcast

Do you know that a lot of people do not have the time to read blog posts that would take more than 5 minutes of their time? What happens to this percentage of people? Should they be ignored altogether? I don’t think so.

You can record any of your old posts and host it on podcast hosting sites like Libsyn, BuzzSprout, Podomatic, or SoundCloud. Those busy visitors can easily download the podcast and listen to it even when busy doing other things. It is one of those highly neglected sources of traffic.

7. Create an Advanced/Ultimate Guide To Something

Creating an Advanced Guide to something is a nice way of repurposing old blog content as well as a way of boosting search engine rankings.

List all your best blog posts on a particular topic in a new post and name it “The Ultimate List of Internet Marketing Resources.” You could as well name it “The Ultimate List of Super Affiliate Tools” or just anything. It all depends on your niche, and the topic you intend to use.

A perfect example of this is:

Such posts can also easily become evergreen as people see them as a sort of directory that could be consulted for information on the chosen topic.


You don’t have to be an expert to be able to repurpose your content to get more traffic. You only need to think out of the box. You could just say what you have said earlier in a different way, and things could change for the better.

Try and follow these content repurposing ideas and you could get an uncontrollable influx of traffic to your blog. Do something different today, and achieve more result.

The post 7 Evergreen Ideas To Repurpose Your Content To Reach a Wider Audience appeared first on All Blogging Tips and is written by Theodore Nwangene

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