When a child picks up an instrument — whether it’s a guitar, trombone, flute, or cello — they’re receiving a unique brand …
Millie Bobbie Brown, the 13-year-old actress who plays Eleven on the hit Netflix series Stranger Things , has been on a we…
A glimmer of progressive hope has risen out of the Trump-inspired darkness. In Tuesday's off-year elections, LGBTQ can…
Tom Colicchio has a long and impressive résumé. He's a working chef, has founded some of New York City's most cele…
Dr. Kenny Wilstead, a dentist in Marshall, Texas, fixed a domestic abuse survivor's tooth for free. Kyleigh Scott came…
History was made in Virginia on Tuesday when a 33-year-old woman became the state's first openly transgender elected o…
In the week since actor Anthony Rapp said Kevin Spacey made an unwanted sexual advance toward him as a teenager, more tha…
When a group of civil rights activists saw the mounting need in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico following devastating hurr…
Imagine a sex ed class that taught you not only basic anatomy and disease prevention, but also encouraged you to reclaim s…
Amid a global refugee crisis that's seen more than 22.5 million people flee countries like Syria and South Sudan becau…
Silicon Valley has long been obsessed with optimizing people's lives. From voice-activated assistants to devices that…
Dwayne Johnson, a.k.a. The Rock a.k.a. Dwanta Claus, took some time out of his day Tuesday to do what The People's Cha…
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