How To Add Related Posts on BlogSpot Using LinkWithin Widget

Showing related posts on your blog have many benefits and one of the major benefit is letting your readers stick to your blog. A usual practice is to show related posts after posts and once a reader is done reading current article, he can pick one from the related section. Usually related posts shows articles from your blog which is related to the current article. Depending upon which method you are using to show related posts, it will show the related posts as relevant as possible.

When it comes to WordPress, we have plenty of options which I have mentioned here but BlogSpot bloggers are not so lucky when it comes to plugins. But you don’t have to worry about as in this article I will share about one 3rd party service call LinkWithin, which helps you to create related post widget for your BlogSpot blog.

How to use Linkwithin Widget to Show Related Posts on BlogSpot:

One of the cool thing about Linkwithin Widget is it shows related posts with pictures, that means you will get better CTR. The widget is free to use and you can create one for your blog by going to this URL. On the page you need to enter your Blog URL, Platform (Blogger) in your case and select the number of related posts you want to show after posts. Here is a screenshot for my setup:

Click on get widget and on the next page you will be getting instruction on how to add Linkwithin widget to your BlogSpot blog. You will be able to quickly add the widget on your blog and it will start working immediately. Though this plugin is simple to use and anyone with zero tech skills can use it on their blog. One limitation of this widget is, it doesn’t directly link to other articles, so you miss out a bit oninternal linking. If your BlogSpot template allows you to have a related widget which directly links to other posts, I recommend to use it. If you don’t have that option, you should stick to LinkWithin Widget.

If you know of any other method which a BlogSpot users can add related posts with thumbnails, let me know via comments. Don’t forget to share this article with other users on Facebook and twitter.

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