Warning: This post contains spoilers for Stranger Things 2.
It was the 1980s – you kinda had to be there. But thanks to a deep reservoir of references and Easter eggs in the second season of Stranger Things, it’s almost like you were.
Since its first season, Netflix’s spooky series has taken a healthy dose of John Carpenter-style horror (channeling the atmospheric, synth-scored vibes of films like The Thing, The Fog and Starman), added a hearty dollop of Spielbergian, suburban kid adventure (notably E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial, Poltergeist and The Goonies) and blended it all with the era's key pop cultural touchstones in gaming, music and fashion. The resulting '80s flavor never overwhelms the main course of story and character, but makes the meal even tastier. Read more...
More about Netflix, 80s, Easter Egg, Spoilers, and Stranger Things