Napster cofounder Sean Parker appears to have some regrets about the role he played in bringing social media to the world.…
The Skype crew hasn't been shy about wanting to emulate Snapchat and hang with the cool kids... and that's truer t…
If you've ever used the PlayStation App on your phone, you know how dodgy it has been since launch. Never mind the da…
Reddit's crackdown on hate-filled, violent communities isn't just limited to banning racists: the social site has …
Twitter is making it easier for small businesses and power users to give their tweets a boost. The social network has offi…
Twitter's experiment with doubling the maximum tweet length was apparently a success. The social network is expanding …
You've had the option to bookmark Instagram posts for nearly a year, but what good is that if you can't revisit th…
It's increasingly clear that some of Facebook's methods for downplaying fake news are more effective than others. …
It's no longer shocking that bogus, Russia-backed Twitter accounts tried to influence voters in the 2016 presidential …
More than a few LGBT Twitter users were alarmed this weekend when searches for relevant terms (such as #bisexual and #gay)…
Russia's entanglement with American social networks just got decidedly complicated. Leaked documents obtained by the G…
Now that it's clearer just how many Twitter accounts have been linked to the Russian government (2,752 at last count),…
Twitter may have just given the boot to ads from Russia-backed media outlets, but it wasn't quite so discerning in 201…
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