If you've ever used the PlayStation App on your phone, you know how dodgy it has been since launch. Never mind the da…
Sony is making up for its dearth of big exclusives this holiday season (expansions for Horizon: Zero Dawn and Uncharted do…
Seems like Sony is throwing a bone to game completionists. The Sony Rewards program will now award points to use in the PS…
Star-Lord and crew have one last adventure in them for this season of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale S…
Update : Now available from Amazon too, in addition to GameStop . Read more...
Last year, Insomniac Games got our spidey-senses tingling with the announcement of Spider-Man for PS4, and a gameplay trai…
Back in the Dreamcast era, I fell in love with a game called Jet Set Radio. It was about a group of rollerbladers who leap…
While the gaming world's eyes are all set upon the start of Paris Games Week, Sony demo'd a number of upcoming tit…
Kaz Hirai's slimmer, fitter Sony hasn't just turned a corner, it's well on its way to earning its highest annu…
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