The DOJ and FBI have been in a bit of a cold war with Apple and the tech community ever since the controversy in 2015 ove…
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You no longer need to buy a big and expensive DSLR with a insanely large lens to get "professional-quality" pho…
The hardest part of buying a shiny new iPhone X isn't paying it off, but picking a wallpaper to plaster all over its …
Your Zodiac sign doesn't just affect your IRL personality. SEE ALSO: Put down the glitter. This app adds sparkles to …
Updating your iDevice to the latest version of iOS gets you the newest features and the best security protection, but it …
Saving for an iPhone X? Perhaps you've sold a car or taken an extra job to finance the ultra-expensive new Apple phone…
FBI special agent Christopher Combs complained how the agency couldn't get into the Texas shooter's phone during a…
The Federal Bureau of Investigation apparently missed a key window in which they could have sought Apple’s assistance with…
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Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. Let's face it. …
The iPhone X design might be perfect if it wasn’t for that notch. The bit of bezel at the top of the screen may be necess…
If you've ever used the PlayStation App on your phone, you know how dodgy it has been since launch. Never mind the da…
Read more... More about Tech , Apple , Iphone , Battery Life , and Iphone X
"Revolutionary," "different," "futuristic" — these were all words used to describe the iPhon…
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