One man's ill-advised Halloween outfit idea has landed him in trouble with the authorities in Malaysia. Police said t…
This girl's father surprised her on Halloween by dressing up as the Beast from Disney's 'Beauty and the Beast&…
Artist and father Jonathan Chambers recreated the magical shopping district from Harry Potter on his quiet street in Seatt…
You thought Halloween was over four days ago? Oof, sorry. According to Beyoncé, it was actually Halloween yesterday . The…
On a dark night — err, knight? — a baby entered the world into the hands of the Joker. Dr. Paul Locus, an OB at the Henry…
Here’s the thing about NASA’s rocket scientists: They’re smart. And maybe a little weird. When you get literal rocket sci…
Stephen Colbert has no time for born-rich people making obnoxious points about socialism, using innocent children. We'…
Thanks to Jimmy Kimmel, parents telling their children they've eaten their Halloween candy is now glorious tradition. …
Having a prop with costumes automatically earns you some bonus points. Now, if that prop can transport you around New York…
Halloween is the perfect opportunity for owners to look just like their dogs...literally. Reddit user JustBeSimple poste…
This Halloween costume takes the holiday to a new and meaningful level. SEE ALSO: Celebrities who nailed it this Halloween…
Toddlers are essentially drunk 24 hours out the day. They're still getting a hang of their motor skills, it's di…
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