An eight-week-old puppy that was stolen from a house in Melbourne, Australia, has been returned to a "devastated"…
Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. Pets are seriously …
The ‘Paw Wash’ is a polycarbonate tube with a squeegee that's intended to easily clean your dog’s paws. After your do…
Friends, please meet Layla the spaniel, an unspeakably adorable dog who loves to be pet. From the looks of this clip, it s…
Humans aren't the only ones that can turn into wizards. The Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando animal shelter is sorting…
Halloween is the perfect opportunity for owners to look just like their dogs...literally. Reddit user JustBeSimple poste…
Losing a pet is a painful thing, and many of us can empathise with that pain. SEE ALSO: Last known 9/11 rescue dog honored…
First released back in 1999, Sony’s robotic dog Aibo was so lifelike and animated that devoted owners are still doing ever…
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