When Logitech decided to end support for its Harmony Link universal media hubs, customers were pissed. And rightly so, b…
You can now add Clips to the growing list of apps that are ready for the iPhone X. Apple just announced its biggest update…
Since it’s release, the Switch has been a dedicated gaming machine. But that wasn’t necessarily by choice; there just wer…
The big advantage to compact action cams like the GoPro is that they’re tiny enough to capture shots in places where regul…
AMD has been going hard at Intel this year thanks to its new Ryzen chips , but Intel may get the last laugh now that it’s…
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Roku stocks are soaring after the company nailed its first earnings report since going public earlier this fall. While the…
At long last, the 24-hour limit is no more. You can now upload photos to your Instagram Story that are up to a week old. …
You are probably surrounded by more computers than you know what to do with, whether it’s the phone in your pocket, the ol…
A drone dispensing candy to a crowd in Ogaki, Japan crashed into a crowd of people at the Ogaki Robot Festival on Saturda…
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In the competition to supply the world’s ever-increasing demand for wireless modems, a bid by Broadcom to purchase Qualcom…
We take for granted the ability to pull out our smartphones and watch almost any video imaginable in hi-def resolutions. B…
I’m a total gadget nerd, and it’s been five years since a new smartphone made me nod to myself with the understanding that…
Here’s a fact rarely discussed outside of super nerdy gaming circles. The guts of your video game console actually matter.…
Read more... More about Mashable Reels , Sn Reels , Tech , and Consumer Tech
Even though Google recently purchased a billion dollars of personnel and intellectual property from HTC , the Taiwanese sm…
As the folks at Razer would tell it, the plan was always to make a phone. No one at Razer was quite sure what that phone w…
First released back in 1999, Sony’s robotic dog Aibo was so lifelike and animated that devoted owners are still doing ever…
You don’t want to spend $100 more to pay upfront for the latest iPhone models? Fine, we wont sell you the iPhone. How abo…
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