Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most pressing issues facing our global community. Though the jury is still out on…
So far, President Donald Trump has shown a propensity to surround himself with climate deniers. There's Scott Pruitt a…
For 18 years, a fully-built, ready-to-launch weather satellite sat inside a Lockheed Martin facility near Moffett Field in…
Read more... More about Science , Global Warming , Donald Trump , Clean Power Plan , and Climate Change
During a year of climate confrontation, the world has closed ranks around the Paris deal struck in 2015. Momentum was “irr…
Harrison Ford may be Hollywood's most entertaining grumpy, old man. His penchant for blunt real talk, especially on to…
Speaking at a science conference in Ottawa on Thursday, Canada’s newly appointed governor general, Julie Payette, directed…
On Friday, the Trump administration published a new report on climate change . Clocking in at 470 pages, it’s a definitive…
Tourism is contributing to climate change , and it appers there's not much being done by the industry to address it. O…
Late last week, an Australian couple stumbled upon a freaky scene in which thousands of Portuguese man o’ wars, also known…
In a rare move that is likely to spark an intense debate in the climate science community, Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor o…
The White House’s effort to head every science-adjacent agency with science skeptics continued apace today, when the Senat…
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