The Last Jedi helmer Rian Johnson has signed on to write and direct a new trilogy within the Star Wars universe, Disney an…
In July 2015, Google's public-relations machine was in full-on crisis mode. Earlier that year, the search giant announ…
Director Steven Soderbergh has made a name for himself by pushing cinematic boundaries, so it's no surprise that his u…
Virtual reality is arguably a good medium for art: it not only enables creativity that just isn't possible if you stic…
The first question I ask Mahdi Bahrami is, "How do you say the name of your game?" He laughs and responds smooth…
While some old paintings may have a yellow or brownish hue to them, underneath the protective varnish may be a perfect pai…
What you’re seeing is a valuable painting being partially dissolved on purpose. Read more...
Dolphins at the 'Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder' facility in Florida have been painting for years. Their wo…
The last time we talked with Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America's president and chief operating officer, the compan…
Visitors from across the world are huddling inside Tan Chwee Lian's antiquated shop in the middle of bustling Singapor…
Sony's PlayStation 4 will never have the same widespread appeal as the Nintendo Wii. It's a popular console with a…
Making music on a phone or tablet is generally an unpleasant experience. It's easy enough to bang out a melody in a cu…
Back in the Dreamcast era, I fell in love with a game called Jet Set Radio. It was about a group of rollerbladers who leap…
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