La Niña is back, ya'll. And it may have major implications for your winter weather, depending on where you live. La N…
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Hindsight is 20/20. Maybe you’d be more productive if you didn’t stay up until 3 am binge watching Stranger Things. Maybe …
Carpenter ants of the Brazilian rain forest have it rough. When one of these insects gets infected by a certain fungus, it…
In January, as the Obama era was winding down, both the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture qui…
Among New Yorkers, there's a dark hypothesis about fall weather in the city, which is that there's only one "…
Imagine for a minute that you survive a terrible accident, and lose function of your right arm. You receive a brain implan…
A small contingent of chunky, dove-like birds cautiously patter around a clearing in a park in suburban Sydney. Suddenly, …
It's that time of year again: the leaves are falling, your breath frosts on the air, and, in some parts of the country…
You might have heard about that insane extinct otter that lived around 6 million years ago and weighed around 11o pounds—…
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cleared the mosquito control startup MosquitoMate this week to unleash its lab-…
Sheep can be trained to recognize celebrities like Barack Obama and Jake Gyllenhaal, new research shows. A University of …
The complications of the little boy’s genetic skin disease grew as he did. Tiny blisters had covered his back as a newborn…
Three decades ago, scientists began to study the possibility that there was a plume of hot rock coming up from the mantle,…
So far, President Donald Trump has shown a propensity to surround himself with climate deniers. There's Scott Pruitt a…
On Sunday, a rocket-engine exploded during ignition tests at the SpaceX facility in Texas. The incident marks a setback fo…
For 18 years, a fully-built, ready-to-launch weather satellite sat inside a Lockheed Martin facility near Moffett Field in…
Sheep seemed to recognize the faces of Barack Obama, Emma Watson, and even Jake Gyllenhaal in a new study. And you thought…
The US Air Force’s scientific research wing is giving Lockheed Martin $26.3 million “for the design, development, and prod…
Astronomers have spotted something truly baffling: a new light 500 million light years away that looked exactly like a sup…
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