"Revolutionary," "different," "futuristic" — these were all words used to describe the iPhon…
Next up, Pennywise will be running Cheers. SEE ALSO: Channing Tatum tells his daughter he's eaten her Halloween candy,…
Mmmm delicious tears. SEE ALSO: Channing Tatum tells his daughter he's eaten her Halloween candy, gets adorable respon…
Ever wanted to meet a celebrity in a weird anxiety dream scenario? SEE ALSO: Kristen Bell and Dave Grohl mashed up Metalli…
Even though he's not hosting his show at the moment, Jimmy Kimmel is working hard. SEE ALSO: Shaq replaced Kimmel and …
Thanks to Jimmy Kimmel, parents telling their children they've eaten their Halloween candy is now glorious tradition. …
Do you want to build a... Sandman? Taking over for Jimmy Kimmel on Halloween night, Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl, dressed …
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