Microsoft appears to be testing a new Windows 10 search user interface that floats across the screen. Italian blog Aggi…
The DOJ and FBI have been in a bit of a cold war with Apple and the tech community ever since the controversy in 2015 ove…
Apple wants to teach people all around the world to code, so the company is making the move to colleges worldwide. In a Tu…
Apple gave its mobile software a facelift when it released iOS 11 back in September, but bugs led the company to push out …
Read more... More about Apple , Software Update , Glitch , Ios 11 , and Ios 11.1
The Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea is not known for embracing outside influences. But the country’s ruling el…
You can now add Clips to the growing list of apps that are ready for the iPhone X. Apple just announced its biggest update…
Apple's Clips video creation app is less than a year old, but it's already getting a big update. Thanks to lots of…
Read more... More about Apple , Iphone 7 , Iphone 8 , Iphone X , and Tech
You no longer need to buy a big and expensive DSLR with a insanely large lens to get "professional-quality" pho…
There's a reason we didn't include many computers in our 2017 holiday gift guide: They make fairly expensive gifts…
Apple's free coding curriculum, which launched for high schools and community colleges in May, has been growing in pop…
Apples quest for world domination continues, and it has its eyes on TV next. The tech company secured a highly-sought new …
The hardest part of buying a shiny new iPhone X isn't paying it off, but picking a wallpaper to plaster all over its …
Saving for an iPhone X? Perhaps you've sold a car or taken an extra job to finance the ultra-expensive new Apple phone…
“If you’ve ever heard of ‘hello world’ as the simplest program you can possibly write in any language, I like to write the…
It’s been a year since we first heard murmurs about Apple working on a Google Glass-like AR wearable; Bloomberg now report…
FBI special agent Christopher Combs complained how the agency couldn't get into the Texas shooter's phone during a…
The Federal Bureau of Investigation apparently missed a key window in which they could have sought Apple’s assistance with…
Read more... More about Apple , Iphone , Highlights , Reviews , and Review
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