The koi that ate America


If you're the sort of person who gets news from social media, it's very possible you saw a viral story today about Trump dumping a bunch of fish food into a koi pond. The president met with Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe, and they took a moment to feed a bunch of carp together. 

This is straightforward, painfully banal stuff that wouldn't warrant a headline in better days.

But this is 2017, and the "story," if you'd call it that, was quickly taken out of context and even misrepresented in a rush for viral traffic. Several outlets reported that Trump unloaded his entire box of food as Abe delicately dropped spoonfuls. This painted the president as an oaf lacking the necessary patience for polite ceremony.  Read more...

More about Journalism, Donald Trump, Fake News, Shinzo Abe, and Business

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