Smog is so bad in New Delhi, air quality is beyond the 'hazardous' level


Pollution in India's capital is at obscenely dangerous levels.

Last year, smog in New Delhi covered the region similarly because of winter weather patterns, and it's back with a vengeance. It doesn't help that India's energy habits, from burning trash to using coal-fired power plants, produce a lot of pollution.

The smoggy conditions are visible from space, covering the northern part of the country in a milky haze. But that's not smoke or clouds. It's pollution. 

The U.S. Embassy in India has New Delhi's air quality level at "hazardous" — the particulate level is so high it's actually off the charts, beyond the index max of 500. Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Kolkata aren't as dangerously high, but all are at unhealthy, elevated levels. Read more...

More about India, Pollution, Smog, Air Quality, and New Delhi

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