Little girl lives her best life under a pile of puppies


One young girl bravely defended herself against the gentle forces of cute from seven furry puppies and their tiny wet kisses. But sadly, in the end, she lost the adorable battle. 

Proud mom Emily Rook shared an adorable photo of her 8-year-old daughter Sofia, cuddling with a band of precious pups at their local animal shelter. 

Rook, an animal care technician, told Mashable that the picture was taken at the Humane Society of Washington County in Maryland. 

“The shelter was founded in 1921 and continues to care for a wide variety of domestic animals to this day,” CEO Kim Intino told Mashable. “Ms. Rook, upon supervisor permission, brought Sofia to help out during a bring your daughter to work day.”  Read more...

More about Watercooler, Culture, Puppies, Web Culture, and Animal Shelter

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