While Amazon India has started using it for delivering products, police in Lucknow used it for crowd control as well.
Andhra Govt. is using drones for better administration, while talks of solar powered drones providing Internet connectivity is making the rounds.
However, till now, there had been no regulation regarding its usage, although Govt. made it mandatory to declare whether you have a drone or not, while entering India.
Now, Civil Aviation Ministry has, for the first time ever, drafted rules and regulations for using drones in India, and we must admit that the rules are pretty progressive to say the least.
While e-commerce companies and other businesses have been allowed to use drones for delivering products, Govt. has made sure that drones are not able to breach privacy of citizens.
Drone Regulations: 7 Rules For Using Drones In India
#1: Govt. has categorized 5 types of drones: nano, micro, mini, small and large, and the weights of these drones range from 250 gram to 150 kgs.#2: Drones under 250 grams, which are called nano, won’t be required to have any security clearance for usage. Micro drones, which are 250 grams to 2 kgs, will have security clearance within 2 days.
#3: Drones are henceforth, allowed to be used for photography, medical uses, ad film making and more activities. E-commerce companies can use drones for home delivery and restaurants can use drones for food delivery.
#4: There shall be ‘no-drone’ zones at some specific, important locations like operational aerodromes across the country, within 5-kms radius of Vijay Chowk in New Delhi (because Parliament, Supreme Court and Rashtrapati Bhawan is situated there). Besides, drones won’t be allowed within 500 meters of strategic political and military locations, from mobile platforms such as car, ship or air craft; and national parks and wildlife sanctuaries (unless approved by Environment Ministry).
#5: Except Nano Drones, all other types of drones will be required different clearances from various departments. Air defense clearance is must, so that security authorities are aware of the route of the drone.
#6: However, drones which are less than 2 kg, and flying within 200 meters, can fly without any clearance, once registered with the Civil Aviation Ministry. In future, Govt. may allow drones for carrying passengers as well! (Uber, please take notice)
#7: Govt. has said that strict privacy protection laws will be implemented, for using drones. The operator of drones cannot film or record anyone, without permission, and the the route cannot be altered, once approved.
As per Aviation Minister P. Ashok Gajapathi Raju, drones would be soon massively used for improving agriculture and exploring oil and gas all over the country.
Once the drafted rules are finalized, more clarity will come, related to usage of drones, in India.
We will keep you updated.