Amazon India introduces #AmazonCart; How to enable it and make purchases using Twitter

Amazon India recently announced the #AmazonCart launch. #AmazonCart is a new feature that allows the users to reply to tweets that contain Amazon India product link with ‘#AmazonCart’ and the product will automatically be added to cart. The user can finish checking out the cart later.

Launching with the slogan ‘Add it now. Buy it later’, this free feature is available for all the Amazon India users. To use this new feature, you will have to link your Twitter and Amazon India account.


There are two ways to do this. You can either go to the #AmazonCart page and link your Twitter and Amazon India accounts. Or, if you are lazy to type the link in your web browser, reply with ‘#AmazonCart’ to any tweet that has Amazon India product link and Amazon India will send you a reply tweet with a link to connect your accounts.

Getting back to using this feature, when you reply with #AmazonCart to any product link tweet, the product will be added to your cart immediately and you will receive a confirmation reply tweet from Amazon India for the same. Also, Amazon India will attach the cart review link which will take you straight to the Amazon India cart where you can check out.


This feature was introduced first in the United States of America and the United Kingdom under the name #AmazonBasket and now, it’s here for Amazon India.

Will it be useful for Indians?

While most Indians are still positive about buying from brick-and-mortar stores, India has its own share of online shoppers. And these online shopaholics are seen mostly active on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook with Twitter users being the majority.

From the consumer point of view, Indians might really find this new feature useful, like the people in the United States – they are active on the social media.

Consider yourself scrolling down your Twitter Timeline. When someone shares an interesting Amazon India product, you will find it easy to reply to that tweet than clicking that link and adding it to the cart manually, right? That’s where this #AmazonCart feature helps. It makes shopping easy and more convenient for the buyers.

Privacy issues; other features needed

While this feature might look interesting and surprisingly easy to use, it comes with its own issues too.

With Twitter being a public platform, most of the tweets are available for public view. So, things you add to your cart will be visible to the public / followers. If you are cautious about your online activities, this feature is probably something you should stay away from.

Also, there isn’t an option to remove products from cart though. There are chances that Amazon India might bring it soon. Another feature that I would like to see is an option to check out without leaving Twitter – this can be achieved by using a pre-paid wallet service like Flipkart Wallet.

Amazon is growing fast in India

It has been one year or so since Amazon India launched, and it is over 1.5 crore products listed on the site already. After introducing many interesting services including quick deliveries, the company is doing its best to offer quality services and options to the customers in India.

And the launch of #AmazonCart will make things only better for Amazon India. This is the first time a e-commerce company has announced this feature in India. Flipkart, Snapdeal, HomeShop18, Jabong and others haven’t implemented any similar social media features.

What do you think about this feature? Do you find it useful for you? Do share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

This Post Amazon India introduces #AmazonCart; How to enable it and make purchases using Twitter is Published on Devils' Workshop .

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